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Why Does My Wheat Bag (Heat Pack) Smell?

September 14 2023

My Wheat Bag or Heat Pack Smells Bad

Oh no! Your wheat bag smells horrible and you don't know what to do! I've been there... and so have many other people. Your favourite wheat bag now has a horrible scent and before you throw it out, you want to see if there's anything that can be done to save it.

Why does my wheat bag or heat pack stink?

You've popped your wheat bag in the microwave because you need some heat therapy and now you've found that the smell has gotten even worse and has started to stink!

How to stop a wheat bag or heat pack smelling

Usually, your wheat bag will smell bad because either the wheat has started to mold has burnt. Here's how to stop your wheat bag from smelling.

Read - Wheat bag care instructions

Why does my wheat bag or heat pack smell burnt?

Your wheat bag will smell burnt if you've overheated your wheat bag too many times, causing it to dry out or a hot spot has started. Hot spots can either occur when the wheat bag isn't turning in the microwave properly, or your microwave wasn't cleared of food/drink and has gotten on the wheat bag.

Why does my wheat bag or heat pack smell moldy?

Your wheat bag will smell moldy if you've accidently gotten it damp and the wheat has then gone on to start the decay process. Eugh!

Other wheat bags may smell bad for various other reasons, such as the weight of the wheat being too light and therefore burning easily, or poor quality covers that do not allow the wheat to breathe. 

If your wheat bag has a machine washable cover. Put it in the washing machine at the recommended temperature and perhaps include your favourite fabric softener.

How to get rid of burnt wheat bag or heat pack smell

If your wheat bag has just started to smell a little burnt, put a small cup of water in with your wheat bag when heating up in the microwave. Make sure not to get water on your wheat bag though as this can ruin it.

How to make wheat bag or heat pack smell nice

Another way to improve the smell of your wheat bag if to add essentials oils to your wheat bag. If you catch your wheat bag before it smells too bad, you can effectively mask the smell with a fragrance. 

Lavender works very nicely to scent a wheat bag. Lavender is a known scent to help with stress relief, relaxation and anxiety relief. An essential oil can help to hide any smells that may be coming from you wheat bag.

Why do you put water in a wheat bag or heat pack?

You can put a cup of water in with a wheat bag when you microwave it to rehydrate the wheat inside. Rehydrating the wheat can help to get rid of any burnt smells that may be coming through and give your wheat bag a new lease of life.